一 抵达现场,就看见一大堆人聚集在戏院门口,人山人海。我心下马上想:“糟了!应该要排很长的队。而且搞不好,戏票早就卖完了!”走近一看,心里轻松了许 多。原来售票处前空无一人,群众全部都是沿着红地毯排站,大家都在等明星的到来。愉快地买了戏票后(柜台小姐真是非常礼貌和耐心,和新加坡的服务态度差了 10万8千里),我和朋友两个就凑在人群中,想看看到底是哪位日本明星要大驾光临。
Another thing which I found interesting is the party atmosphere of the film festival. Uncles, aunties, kids and families were all present around the festival venue. The organizers arranged free talks or performances to allow Okinawans to join in the fun. Many Japanese stars took time to come to Okinawa to perform or share their experiences. I couldn't see the heavy involvement of the local grassroot Singaporeans or local media artistes (except show face in premieres) in our Singapore film festival. Why? Maybe Singapore uncles and aunties were not interested in film arts? Maybe the organizers do not have them in mind when they are planning the SIFF? Maybe Singaporeans just bo chap about arts and mediacorp actors? Or just not "efficient" enough?