Saturday, February 27, 2010







Monday, February 8, 2010

Bye bye Y1427

Today just spent the whole morning finding ways to junk my dead car ... thanks to May in Foster JVRO and Nari, I managed to find a junk yard to tow my car and scrap it and I received some money back. Went to LTO and back to insurance company, and finally settled all the stuff.


1) Go to Miyagi Junk Yard and ask them tow and scrap the car. Get some money back for the metal.
2) Go to Foster JVRO with the paper from junk yard to de-register car ---> proceed to Japan LTO desk for more paperwork
3) Go to Urasoe LTO ---> counter D ----> counter 2 ----> road tax refund
4) Refund JCI and/ or American car insurance

Here are some pics of my dead car ... In the day time, the damage looks quite serious ... glad to be alive ...

my first serious car accident in my life!

look at the dent! strong impact!

shattered glass

Toyota RAV 4, Y1427 , my first car. You have brought me to many places in Okinawa with my loved ones and friends. I will miss you. RIP

Thank you Lord for blessing me!

Lucky Lucky, Hallelujah

Tamade, really so suay.

Today car skidded, crashed into a lamp post and landed hanging above a drain outside Kadena gate 1. driver side window all smashed, car door heavily dented ...

Luckily I am not hurt. Hallelujah! Managed to switched off the radio, climbed out of the car through the passenger door and broken glasses... actually I shouted "shit" calmly when the car lost control, strangely I am not frightened during the time of impact ... just felt so surreal

Anyway MPs rushed out to the scene, and started the whole SOP ... blocked the side road, take down my statement, called Jap police, called the tow truck etc

1 MP said he thought I was dead when he was running to the crash site... Hallelujah! Really lucky ne ...

Reason of crash? Not sure ... I just fixed my car brake this afternoon ... maybe road slippery due to rain... car condition sucks ...

This is my second serious accident in the year of Ox after the diving accident last summer. Both times I am lucky escape without any major injuries ...

Really Really thank God! Hallelujah! 真心祈求虎年順順利利,大吉大利。